Recommended recipe from producers: Fish carpaccio with Aosa seaweed and black olives


Aosa Seaweed is rich in dietary fiber and highly nutritious. The Aosa sold by Hokkai Suisan has an excellent texture and delicious aroma. Use for nabe dishes, miso soup, pasta, etc. For the hot summer months, we also suggest frying it, making a crispy and refreshing tempura dish. In addition, below we introduce a recipe for fish carpaccio using Aosa seaweed, recommended by the producer, Maruri Foods.

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  • - 20 g defrosted Aosa seaweed
  • - 40 g black olives
  • - 20 ml shirodashi (clear broth of dried bonito and kombu)
  • - 40 ml olive oil
  • - Thinly cut fish to your liking (Aji sashimi and Hotate are recommended!)
  • - Vegetables to your liking
  • - Some salt
  • (optional: mixed herbs, etc.)


  1. Put the black olives, the shirodashi, and half the olive oil in a blender and mix well. Pour into a bowl and add the Aosa Seaweed.
  2. Arrange thinly cut fish and vegetsbles on a plate, and sprinkle with salt and the other half of the olive oil.
  3. Either pour the sauce from step 1 over the fish or serve the sauce on the side, depending on your own preference.
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