Updates May 2020

Hokkai Freshly Frozen Box

We are proud to launch the Hokkai Freshly Frozen Box! A box filled with our favorite fish products. Perfect to get to know our extensive assortment or to try out new products. Almost all of our Hokkai Classics are flavored with the most delicious Japanese sauces and marinades. Often, you only have to put them in the oven or on the barbecue. For the bigger families and the real fish lovers, we also offer the Hokkai Freshly Frozen Box XL. All of our products are provided with a clear preparation method, so you can instantly create delicious Japanese fish dishes.

Fresh freezing

In addition to the launch of the Hokkai Freshly Frozen Box, our fish processor Dave is happy to explain to you what fresh freezing is and why we work with this technique: “Fresh freezing is the technique of shock freezing fresh products. In our case, it means that we quickly freeze the fish directly after it is caught, with a stunning 2 cm per hour. By freezing the fish very fast and very fresh, the structure of the cells remains intact. As a result, you lose little to no moisture during defrosting and the taste of the fish is fully preserved. It’s like eating freshly caught fish. But then from your freezer.”

Hokkai in the Volkskrant

 With extensive input from our chef Kuniyoshi Ohtawara, culinary journalist Hiske Versprille wrote the article‘Sushi: de troost van het eeuwige verbeteren’ (=Sushi: the comfort of eternal improvement), which was published in De Volkskrant on May 8, 2020. Including beautiful photos of our chef and his team working in the kitchen. We are incredibly happy with this article and proud of our team!

Hokkai at Home with Peter

This month, home cook Peter shares three of his Hokkai-creations with us: “One could say that cooking is a hobby that went out of hand. I only use fresh products, but since Hokkai Kitchen is one of my favorite restaurants, I became more curious about their freshly frozen products. I did not expect too much of it but now I am in fact very enthusiastic. The quality is phenomenal and I will surely use it more often!”

Chef’s recipe: Madai no Nimono

Our chef Kuniyoshi Ohtawara shares his favorite Madai no Nimono recipe with you! This delicious stew filled with red sea bream and daikon is extremely nutritious. It is easy and fun to prepare and the final dish should be ready in less than 30 minutes.

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